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About Mike Hyter
Blog: 06/30/09
Preparing for the turn-around
In a recent message to our clients I shared that the economy is showing signs of stabilizing and businesses are starting to prepare for improvement. Many Novations clients indicated they are starting to feel a cautious optimism about the turn around. We shared some of the strategies organizations are using to prepare for the turn around (see the message here).

I would like to hear from you about ways in which your organization is preparing for economic recovery.

Mike Hyter
Posted 06/30/09
Posted by
Steve Mackey
I believe there's another side to this that companies need to be preparing for.

The impending exodus of top talent if they do not do these things (your suggestions). Many people I know across several industries are fed up with the way companies have behaved during these times. As things turn around, the best people are already lined up at the door to exit. Many companies need to acknowledge this fact. Your message rings true to the solution.

The best performers have been (in many instances) abused and ignored for the past year. Compound this with weak inclusionary practices and many companies who survived the credit crisis are going to struggle with the pending brain drain crisis.
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